Minimap of introduction diagram
Minimap of stage diagram

SACE outline

AS hazardous scenarios assurance case pattern

The argument pattern relating to this stage is shown in Figure 13 and key elements from the pattern are described in the following sections.

Figure 13: [I] : Argument Pattern for AS Hazardous Scenarios Assurance

This argument demonstrates that the hazardous scenarios relating to the operation of the AS have been sufficiently identified. This is done by considering the way in which the hazardous scenarios were identified (G2.2), and by validating those identified scenarios (G2.3).

The hazardous scenarios have been identified using a process that identifies and analyses the decisions made by the AS and the interactions between the AS and its operating environment. The argument therefore demonstrates that all the relevant decisions have been correctly analysed (G2.4), and that the interactions with the environment have been adequately considered as part of that analysis (2.5). The evidence for both of these claims should be provided by the analysis report ([WW]). These claims are made in the context of the defined operating scenarios ([E]) and ODM ([B]).

Confidence in the identified scenarios is provided through the validation activities performed at Activity 8. The validation report ([YY]) is used as evidence of the adequacy of the hazardous situations identified.

Continue to: Stage 3. Safe operating concept assurance

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